
Welcome to Early Years


In the Early Years at Newnham Croft, we want children to be happy, confident, well-rounded individuals with a love of learning. We believe that every child, family and staff member matters. We feel it is essential to provide all children with a safe and stimulating environment that builds on each individual's wants, needs and interests. Children in our setting learn through a high quality and broad curriculum based upon learning through play, having fun and enjoying experiences. Our curriculum values oracy. Discussions, conversations and reflection are at the heart of what we do in an environment where there is no sense of failure. Adults provide positive role models and high quality interactions. We value the importance of both the indoor and the outdoor setting. We believe in a quality environment that stimulates learning and ensures the best possible outcome. Working alongside parents, we are committed to providing a positive and inclusive start to school life with the teaching of skills and experiences that ensure success in the future.

Welcome to the Early Years at Newnham Croft Primary School. We are pleased that you are thinking about registering, or have already registered your child with us.

In Reception we aim to provide a welcoming, supportive, caring, happy, secure and stimulating environment where children are given equal opportunities to develop and learn, at a pace appropriate to them as individuals.

During their time spent in Reception your child will be following the Early Years Foundation Stage framework  (EYFS) achieving the Early Learning Goals by the end of the Reception year. The Early Learning Goals set high expectations in the seven areas of learning and at Newnham Croft Primary School we aim to meet the diverse needs of all children so that all children will develop their potential.

The aims of the curriculum are to help develop the whole child and to place the foundation for a happy, confident, well-adjusted, independent and educated individual. Your child will be encouraged to explore, question, reason and communicate – also to express his/her ideas and feelings through music, drama and imaginary play. As the Reception year progresses, your child will gradually enjoy more structured activities to extend his/her understanding in preparation for transition to Year 1.

Our Early Years programme has been developed to offer your child positive learning experiences. Young children learn best through play and first-hand experience, with this in mind structured and spontaneous play situations provide the opportunity for individual development in the seven areas of learning both indoors and outdoors.

The curriculum is broadly based with complete integration of the seven areas of learning.

The prime areas:
1. Communication and Language
2. Physical Development
3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The specific areas:
4. Literacy
5. Mathematics
6. Understanding the World
7. Expressive Arts and Design

Our experienced Reception staff look forward to working closely with you so that your child is happy and settled and gains the maximum benefit from all we have to offer. Liaison between parents/carers and staff is encouraged at all times.